Secara resmi, aku umumin aku libur 3 hari, hurray... hip hip hurray!!!
dalam rangka pameran pendidikan en olimpiade kimia&b.inggris so kita2 pada ga skul.
Well, anak klas 3 musti tetep dateng bis ini acara katanya dibuat untuk klas 3..
Mudah2an aku bisa nentuin jurusan mana yang bakal aku ambil dengan ikut acara ini!!
meskipun dari kertas acara yang aku dapat, nama2 universitasnya ga da yang menarik minat, huehehe...
Mmm, akhir2 ini sih gada yang terlalu menarik buat diceritain
(Yona n I know that I'm lying, : D)
intinya sih selama ini aku selalu ngerasa aku tuh pinter psikologi, bisa nebak karakter orang dari wajah
but then aku ktemu ma orang yg wajah en masa lalunya luain buanget!!
Gak tau musti percaya pa gak,
aku mutusin buat lebih hati2 mulai skrg!!
hehe, gak bermaksud menhina ato mengejek oang itu!!! Aku juga gak anti ato jadi pilih2 temen...
Aku tetep seneng bisa dapet temen baru, pengalaman baru pastinya, en wawasan aku jadi luas kan???
banyak bgt puisi yang pengen aku post tp musti nunggu giliran kan?
Puisi ini aku tulis waktu aku lagi low bgt en teringat lagi waktu dgr cerita temen baru aku,
here it is Keep Smiling
Im really really sleepy right now and hungry!
PLN messed up again so here I am in the net just finished my homework
Damn! Im starving to death.......
rrrrrr, but they haven't finished printing it.
It's not a good day,
and it's already 9 now!!
I feel like I want to kill someone right now!!
I'm going to college in the next 4 months,
and "proudly" I tell ya that I still blank bout everything...
I haven't decide where I'm going to study, which university, what major should I take, etc etc...
G, I don't know...
I can't think clearly this lately, all the exam things, job stuff, have made me so stress
and stuck!!
well, I do have some choices (3 actually) including the desparate choice...
First, Jakarta - Comunication Studies to become a PR~Public Relation
the problems are :
1. I have a part time job, which I love so much now. I'm not sure I can get a part time job in Jakarta during my college time.
2. I don' t want to bother my parents with my "selfishication". Note, a tragedy happened last year and occured my family untill this day and its not cheap study in Jakarta, you must have known it...
3. I live with my grandma right now and I have been living there for almost the rest of my life. It is really hard to leave her in this situation
Second, stay in Medan. I will try SPMB to take Law or Psichology
the problems are :
1. I hate Law, but seems its theonly way to get more respect in my big family
2. I'm fed up giving up in my own life. I want to get outta here, being A PERSON who can stand on her own and get what I want to be my destiny!! T o be my life,my dream, and being selfish once in a lifetime.
Third, desperate choice, stay in Medan, forget all my dreams, continue my job as part time english teacher for young learner, maybe open a class in my house, take care of my grandma, maybe take accounting!
Please gimme something to help me with all this shit!!
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